A field inspection determines the condition of property by examining properties and sending written and photographic reports to lenders, insurance companies and other interested parties. Inspectors could see whether anyone is occupying a property, assess physical damage, evaluate the property for a potential mortgage or check its condition after a foreclosure.
How is Field Inspection different from other real estate inspecting jobs?
A field inspector does more basic inspections than other kinds of building or site inspectors.
Hence, the cost of having a Field Inspection can often be considerably less.
Types Field of Inspections We Offer:
*DRIVE-BY INSPECTIONS: Verify occupancy and check for obvious external damage.
*LOAN INSPECTIONS: Check property conditions before banks approve a mortgage for the property.
*DELINQUENT MORTGAGE: Determine occupancy at an address if the mortgage is unpaid.
*WALK-THROUGH INTERIOR INSPECTIONS: Assess and document the interior of bank-owned properties.
*VERIFICATION OF INPROVEMENTS: Check improvements like roof repair or structural repair to see if homeowners are eligible for loan modifications.
*FORECLOSURE INSPECTIONS: Check house condition and whether property has been left in the house after a foreclosure.
*MOVING INSPECTIONS: Document property condition at rental residences before occupants move in or after they move out.
*RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS: Check for pests, subleasing or illegal activities at occupied rental properties.
*PERSONAL PROPERTY AND VEHICLE INSPECTIONS: Checking the location and condition of vehicles and other property.
(Other kinds of inspection jobs may require specialized education or experience relevant to the field.)
Here are some types building or site inspection jobs we do not handle:
*HOME INSPECTION: This job involves making more detailed inspections of homes before banks approve mortgage loan. Since a home inspector reports on HVAC systems and other home equipment, they usually have more expertise than field inspectors do.
*ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION: This inspection job involves appraising systems in relation to
their environment, like making sure fuel systems operate safely and don't leak or checking
electrical lines or damage.
*AGRICULTURAL INSPECTION: This job involves visiting farms, stockyards and other agricultural facilities to make sure they meet regulations.
*COMMERCIAL APPRAISING: This is a similar job to field inspector but focuses on commercial properties. Building inspector: This job involves making sure buildings and construction sites are up to code.
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